Startup Sauna is an accelerator program and co-working space located at Otaniemi area in Espoo. During the spring of 2016 they were about to start an interior renovation and had need for new lights too. They chose to use our Havukko lights that are designed by Jonas Hakaniemi.
Main brand color of Startup sauna is a powerful orange. They wanted to brand the new lights with that color too and this was the first time we tested to paint the shades of our Havukko lights.
Nyt upeat Havukko valaisimiet kaunistavat Startup Saunaa ja luovat sille yksilöllistä ja vireää ilmettä. Havukot pirteän oransseina, osa luonnollisen vaaleina.
Now Havukko lights are making Startup Sauna more beautiful and create unique and fresh look – in natural white and lively orange.
Amongst the Havukko lights we created one huge custom made light. It’s the largest one we’ve made this far.
Let’s make dreams come alive!